Halcyon by Greg Keller will be released on Friday, September 29th.
Halcyon by Greg Keller will be released on Friday, September 29th. You can listen to the first song on the album also entitled Halcyon right now.
Halcyon finds Greg Keller returning with an album that harkens more to his first album (Muslc Vol. 1) in that it is “is beautiful ambient that leaves you enveloped by a warming, winning, positive charm” (Acid Ted blog). This album is nine well crafted tracks of soothing ambient bliss
The title track, Halcyon, provides the listener with an excellent soothing ambient sound that is focused more on the journey rather than the crescendo which does not get lost in an ambient haze. Halcyon starts out very simple but very quickly it becomes more complicated with an excellent array of different layers of ambience that compliment each other. Indie Criollo stated, Keller creates music that is “as if we were interpreting each path in the drift of what we are and where we are going, making perfect sounds to combine with all the decision correct and savvy about these sounds, which enter our imagination without fear, like a sound experiment that manages to be more and more real every second as more of its softness enters our skin. Fascinates us. It makes us fly with the ideal calm so as not to lose ourselves in any way between what we want to feel like a pura vida.”